1. The court is 20 feet wide by 44 feet long.
  2. The net is 3 feet high.
  3. The non-volley zone is 7 feet long on each side.
  4. A person can not volley or follow through on a volley into the non-volley zone.
  5. To volley means to hit the ball in the air without first letting it bounce.
  6. A serve is made underhand only; the paddle must be below the wrist on contact.
  7. The serve is made diagonally cr
  8. oss court and must clear the non-volley zone.
  9. Only one serve attempt is allowed unless the ball touches the net and lands in the proper box. This is known as a let serve and a re-serve is then allowed.
  10. At the start of each new game, the 1st serving team is allowed only one fault. Thereafter both members of each team will serve and fault before the ball is turned over to the opposing team.
  11. Double Bounce Rule – each team must play their first shot off the bounce. That is, the receiving team must let the serve bounce and the serving team must let the return of the serve bounce before playing it. After two bounces have occurred, the ball can be either volleyed or played off the bounce.
  12. Fault
  13. Scoring – only the serving team scores points. A player who is serving shall continue to serve until a fault is made by the serving team. The game is played to 11 points; a team must win by a 2 point lead.
  14. Doubles Play
  15. Singles Play – When serving in singles, each player serves from the right court when their score is an even number and from the left hand court when their score is an odd number.
  16. The hand below the wrist is considered part of the paddle and shots off any part of it are good.
  17. Ball landing on a line is good.
Pickleball was invented by Joel Pritchard in Seattle Washington in 1965. He named the game after his dog “Pickles” who would chase after the ball.