- Email: chs@cranfordschools.org
- Attendance 908-709-6284 Email: chs-attendance@cranfordschools.org
- Mr. Cantagallo (Principal) 908-709-6282 Email:cantagallo@cranfordschools.org
- Mr. Manzo (Assistant Principal) 908-272-9100 Email: manzo@cranfordschools.org
- Mrs. Ahern (Nurse) 908-709-6305 Email: ahernchr@cranfordschools.org
Mission Statement
We, the community of Cranford High School, are striving to acquire and foster the knowledge and responsibility necessary to preserve our diverse democratic society and to choose and enjoy a life of consequence now and in the world of the 21st Century.
Young adults graduating from the Cranford High School community must respect people and property, progress and preservation.
They should regard learning as a life-long endeavor and freedom as a right to secure.
A welcome letter from the attendance office
See what the CHS Cafeteria offers for breakfast and lunch and get more information on the new cafeteria payment system.
Students and Faculty who have contributed to CHS website
Courses at Cranford High School (Counseling Website)
Cranford Public School District Website
Driving directions to Cranford High School
Here are all of the amazing extra curricular clubs at CHS.
Get updates from the principal
A page to detail special announcements, events and student accomplishments.
Find information about the special education department
The digital copy of Cranford High School's Student Handbook
Policy 5600: Student Discipline/Code of Conduct
Regulation 5600: Student Discipline/Code of Conduct
Policy 5600: Student Discipline/Code of Conduct
Regulation 5600: Student Discipline/Code of Conduct
Access useful websites for students including PowerSchool and Naviance
Websites made by teachers hosting notes and assignments for students