Special Announcements

  • Cranford Jaycees
    Congratulations to senior Delaney Bertrand for creating this year's Firecracker 4 Miler Run logo for the Cranford Jaycees!

    Cranford Jaycees

    Today is the release of the Spring 2021 CHS Virtual Art show. We invite you to visit Cranford Arts to view a diverse presentation of student works. Congratulations to Julie Barkin, Linda Cortinas, Patrick Gorman, Joanne Knego, and the CHS art students!

    Relay for Life 2021 this weekend raised over $70,000 dollars to donate to the American Cancer Society!

    Relay Dance Mob

    We are so proud to announce that Cranford High School DECA member Lee Rosenthal earned an instructional award for his event, Entrepreneurship Team Decision-Making, at the 2021 DECA International Career Development Conference.

    Lee's score placed him in the top 10% of his written test, demonstrating his content knowledge of entrepreneurship against students from all 50 states as well as Canada, Mexico, Germany, and Guam. This is a very difficult achievement to earn as Lee was in competition with the most dedicated and diligent business students in the DECA organization.

    What an outstanding achievement for Lee! He has made his family, school, DECA chapter, and the Cranford community most proud. We all wish Lee much success in his future endeavors. Please congratulate him for this fantastic accomplishment.

    2021 Educational Professional of the Year - Gretchen Lenehan
    2021 Teacher of the Year - Daphne Morrissey

  • Greetings Faculty and Staff!

    Today is American Sign Language Day! And yesterday the Cranford High School's American Sign Language Club teamed up with Building Bridges to help teach 80 Cranford elementary students from across the district about American Sign Language, the importance of being inclusive, and learned a little ASL with their Building Bridges groups! I wanted to share the video (caution it's 14 minutes long!) that was spearheaded by ASL Club co-presidents Mia Alvarez and Viv Beckford to celebrate ASL Day this April 15th!

  • 2020 - 2021 ATHLETIC HONORS
    We would like to recognize and congratulate Cranford High's student athletes on their hard work and achievements. Please click here to see a full list of CHS Athletic Honors to date.

  • Congratulations to Robert Joseph Kelly who has been selected as the winner of the National Merit Scholarship!

  • Congratulations to the top 5% of the graduating class of 2021!

    Karena Andreassen, Caroline Bush, Ryan Galligan, Daniel Graziano, Robert Kelly (Valedictorian), Daniel Klimko, Sarah Martin, Aaron Nataline, Lee Rosenthal, Ryan Rosenthal, Ariana Sorkin, Samuel Sullivan (Salutatorian), Catherine Walter, Kirsten Williams and Grace Wilson!

  • Good Morning,

    CHS DECA is once again proud to announce the winners of the 2021 NJ State Conference which was held virtually on March 1-3, 2021.

    Below is a list of our winners. The 2021 International Career Development Conference will be held in late April, 2021. Please congratulate the following students on their outstanding achievements!

    Grand Award Winners representing CHS at the international conference:

    Lee Rosenthal and Ryan Rosenthal for coming in 1st place in their event, Entrepreneurship Team Decision-making event, and

    Deirdre Tighe and Rachael Durant for coming in 7th place in Travel and Tourism Team Decision-making event.

    Also, congratulations to State Finalists:

    Declan Dowd and Neil McGovern - Travel & Tourism TEAM Event
    Caroline Bush and Grace Wilson - Travel & Tourism TEAM Event
    Dominic Fallone and Andrew Towne - Sports & Entertainment Marketing TEAM Event
    Bridget Webb - Principles of Business Mgmt. & Administration

    Winning for his role play:
    Griffin Dowd - Role Play - Quick Serve Restaurant Marketing Individual Event

    We are most proud of all our students' hard work and dedication to excellence.

    Thank you,
    Donna Cathcart
    Gregory Braff
    DECA Advisers

  • In honor of the start of Women's History month, I just had to share a fantastic story that is truly fitting of what we celebrate in March. One of our CHS graduates, Stephanie Bagniewski has recently shattered a glass ceiling by becoming the very first female firefighter to be hired by the Springfield Fire Department. I have known that she has been working towards this for a very long time, and to know that she has not only realized her dream but helped to start to bring down gender barriers in this field is outstanding. We have a new home town hero to celebrate! Read More about it Here!

  • Congratulations to the following members of the Class of 2021! Due to their demonstrated proficiency in English by meeting English language arts graduation requirements and a linguistic proficiency level of at least Intermediate Mid in one or more world language(s), according to the requirements outlined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Proficiency Guidelines, these students have successfully met eligibility requirements for the New Jersey State Seal of Biliteracy.

    The Seal of Biliteracy was established to recognize high school graduates who have attained a high level of proficiency in speaking, reading, listening and writing in one or more world languages, in addition to English. As a recipient of the Seal, these students will join thousands of students from more than 80 districts around the state who have graduated with such an honorable distinction.

    Members of the class of 2021 who have successfully met eligibility requirements for the New Jersey State Seal of Biliteracy:

    Savannah Riera: Spanish and French

    Zara Mendes: Spanish and Portuguese

    Kylie Contreras: Spanish

    Robert Kelly: Spanish

    Jacqueline Smith: Spanish

  • Thank you to everyone that supported our Heroes fundraiser.
    We were able to deliver lunch on Saturday to:
    Cranford Rehab ans Nursing Center on Birchwood
    Cranford (Hall) Park Rehab and Healthcare Center on Lincoln Park East
    and tomorrow we will have lunch delivered to Children's Specialized Hospital in Mountainside.
    Thank you to Vinny's Pizza who did a great job and also gave a nice discount to support our cause,
    I also delivered sheet cakes, drinks and the great cards that many of you made.
    We do have some money left if anyone has an idea of another local group we can thank.

    All of the workers wanted to let you know they really appreciated you thoughtfulness.

  • Mr. Chewy has just published a new book of his called, American Tango. American tango is a griping drama/romance story that you can learn more about in the interview here!

  • Joe Biden officially became the 46th president of the United States today.

  • 2021 Cranford High School Model U. N.

    This weekend marked the 2021 YMCA Civic Engagement Model U. N. program. What would have customarily been a sleep deprived weekend of debate, diplomacy and civic engagement at the Hershey Lodge and Convention Center for our students, was instead a Zoom session of lively debate. Cranford High School’s Model United Nations Club distinguished themselves by receiving the Outstanding Delegation Award for excelling in all parts of the annual conference held January 5 to 10, 2021. Approximately 1,100 students from 60 schools in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware were in attendance. The Cranford HS delegation of 55 students participated in wide-ranging debates that were the culmination of months of research and preparation. Many Cranford High School students received individual recognitions also.

    Ryan Turnamian was recognized as an Outstanding First Year Delegate in Political and Security Council A representing Spain.

    Garret Hanlon was recognized as Premier Delegate representing South Sudan in General Assembly G.

    Anastasia Kalinchak was distinguished for Superior Country representing Hungary.

    In addition to the students who distinguished themselves in committee sessions, a number of our students were selected as officers for next year’s conference. They will chair their respective committees and plan next year’s conference. It is a huge responsibility. Officers for the 2022 YMCA Model U. N. Conference include:

    Marcus Rojo as Historical Security Council A Chair.

    Sophia Joseph as Nation Building Committee Chair.

    Stephen Kisly as Political and Security Council B Chair.

    Tamiyana Roemer as Press Chair.

    Each summer the Conference on National Affairs (CONA) takes place in North Carolina for two-weeks with representatives from all 50 states. Twenty students from the conference are selected for this honor. The Cranford High School delegation had Sophia Joseph selected to attend with Marcus Rojo selected as an alternate for this program.

    If you are interested in learning more about the program, here is a link to the YMCA MUN website YMCA MUN website.
    Here is a link to the recorded opening and closing sessions, in addition to the panel discussion with distinguished program alumni. Link

    The Cranford High School program is run in conjunction with the Westfield Area YMCA. It is through the sponsorship of the YMCA that our students are able to have this enriching experience.

    We would also like to thank Julie Barkin, Dan Chernosky, Kevin Jala, Elizabeth Lafargue, and Gil Rozensher for volunteering their time this weekend to chaperone our students in their Zoom rooms.

    L. Cortinas & R. Bell

  • Good Afternoon, Attached is the list of winners for the 2020 DECA District written competition which was held on December 8, 9, and 10, 2020.

    64 students participated in this event, 33 of whom placed and are eligible to move forward to compete at the DECA State Leadership Conference in March, 2021. We are so proud to have over 51% of our students place in the top 10 of their events!

    If you should have any of these students in your classes or other clubs and activities, please congratulate them for a job well done.

    Enjoy your holiday break, and we wish you all a healthy and happy 2021.

    Donna Cathcart
    Greg Braff
    CHS DECA Advisers

  • We all know ratings/awards are not something to rely on, therefore we cannot become too excited or too disappointed when they come out. With that said it is nice that CHS has won an award for the 2nd year in a row. In New Jersey, 129 public schools earned a College Success Award in 2020 based on their success in preparing students for college and ultimately career. The College Success awards recognize public high schools that stand out in getting students enrolled in - and staying with - college.

    The GreatSchools College Success Awards

    Our nation’s high schools play a vital role in preparing students to succeed in college and beyond. For the third straight year, we are proud to honor public high schools that have a successful track record of going beyond simply graduating students to helping them enroll in college and succeed once they get there. The 2020 GreatSchools College Success Award recognizes 2,158 high schools, representing about 21% of eligible public high schools across 29 states.

    The rating seems to be based on 3 categories this year- College Readiness-This rating shows how well students at this school are prepared for college compared to students at other schools in this state, based on graduation rates, college entrance tests, and advanced coursework (when available), Test Scores-The Test Score Rating reflects state test scores for this school compared with average statewide scores and Equity-The Equity Rating indicates how well this school is serving disadvantaged students compared to other schools in the state.This reflects the percentage of graduates who completed their first year of college and returned for a second year.

    Thank you for all your help in making CHS fantastic.

    Mark Cantagallo

    More info Here

  • This past summer, NJ.com created a poll which listed 26 nominees from Cranford. It included both athletes and coaches, and the public was asked to pick their top four. According to the poll, the athletes and coaches were nominated based on overall impact in their sports. Along with the top four vote-getters, NJ Advance Media has also announced its four selections. The link for the article is below.
