Mr. Chernosky is a dedicated teacher who spends his weekdays and nights, and even weekends (during marching band season) to make sure everyone understands the music and theory behind it. He is always available to chat about music other than concert/ marching band music. I've had the pleasure of having him all four years of high school, and can guarantee that he is one of the most hardworking teachers I have ever met and has made band all the more enjoyable.
Melanie Smith
Class of 2018

I have learned more about music than any other time. Papa Chern bless! He has helped me understand music more than any music teacher I have had.
Thomas Gates
Class of 2019

He's definitely just made me feel at home, almost immediately welcomed. It was an amazing experience to be apart of his marching band, and it's still awesome to get to have him as my conductor and director in Orchestra. He's honestly the sweetest and most patient teacher I have ever encountered, and it makes me very happy that it's only my first year of knowing him and I'm already pretty close to him. He just radiates dad energy and is always there for you, if its about music or not.
Abigail Cisneros
Class of 2023

He's cool, funny, and nice.
Aninda Paul
Class of 2020

He has been a good person to talk to, and gives good advice. He as also helped me improve dramatically in my talents and skills in the band.
Elliot Parker
Class of 2022

Mr. Chernosky is truthfully one of the most inspirational teachers I have ever had. He is able to teach us not only as students, but as functioning members of society. This is somebody I strive to model my life and attitude after.
Andrew Tessitore
Class of 2020

He somehow manages to have a personal relationship with all of his 70+ students and does his best to make everyone feel comfortable and included. He creates an atmosphere that makes coming into school at 7:45 bearable.
Mallory Vollbrecht
Class of 2017

He doesn't stink.
Matthew Fernandez
Class of 2018

Mr. Chernosky has been with me for all four years of high school and helped shape my love and interest in playing percussion.
Peter Pashalides
Class of 2017