Great teacher, great patriot, great taste in music. Boosts my love for America
Eric Young
Class of 2019

Mr. Gorman is always doing community service projects in his classroom. He has also been very helpful and supportive of CHS' many clubs by making T-Shirts for them. His photoshop skills with the pen tool are legendary.
Mr. Bell
Computer Science

The most patriotic and supportive teacher I have ever known. Not to mention a great Wrestling Coach.
Joseph Gannon
Class of 2018

I Pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America. And to the republic, for which it stands, one nation under God. Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Tom Noon
Class of 2018

Most patriotic man I know and one of my favorite teachers
Dan Gomez
Class of 2018

Not only is Mr. Gorman a proud American, he is also an awesome graphics teacher and helps his students all the time. #America
Tim Eimer
Class of 2019

Not only is Mr. Gorman my wrestling coach, but he has taught me graphics for the past three years and I have come to enjoy graphics. I'm not an artistic person, but I love graphics. He is a great teacher and makes the school day fun.
Dylan Budnik
Class of 2018

Mr. Gorman is one of the most patriotic people I know. Not only is he a grandmaster in the field of graphic design, his class is cross-curricular and touches on a multitude of the subjects learned in a plethora of classes. He teaches his students the value of patriotism and national unity by leading the class in the Pledge of Allegiance every single day. Mr. Gorman is a role model for all students at Cranford High School, and deserves the spotlight more than anyone else. God Bless America.
Kevin Cuddihy
Class of 2019

He loves America and is proud to live in this beautiful country.
Wade Garrison
Class of 2019