She is the sweetest teacher I have ever had. She always compliments my projects and makes me feel good about myself as an artist. She helps her students understand the content they are reading and encourages them to keep on reading amazing stories.
Desiree Santos
Class of 2020

Mrs. Stoto always makes English fun and exciting
Andrew Dinspechin
Class of 2020

Mrs. Stoto is an experienced and knowledgeable educator and a valued colleague in the CHS English department.
Ms. Sherman
English Department

Mrs. Stoto 100% deserves the spotlight. Not only does she conduct her class in a way that is fun and engaging, she also truly cares about her students and how they are each and every day.
Ethan Sachs
Class of 2022

She is one of the best English teachers I have had, and she's super nice as well!
Luke Muhnicky
Class of 2020

Her lesson plans are very interesting, and keeps me intrigued. Although there is some tough work at times she provides many opportunities for help and it rlly creates an easier time in class and out of class.
Ryan Nicholas
Class of 2022