CHS Spotlight

June Spotlight:
Mrs. Donahue

Mr. Rozensher and a dog!

"Dance first. Think later. It's the natural order"
- Samuel Beckett


- Department and Classes:

I teach in the Fine and Performing Arts Department and the Special Education Department. I teach Elements of Dance, Musical Theatre Dance, Dance Academy 1, 2 and 3. This year I am co-teaching Algebra with Mr. Rose. Pre-covid, I helped to facilitate the Junior Internship and Senior Service Program.

- Years at CHS:

I have been at CHS for 13 years. I started in the Fall of 2008 when the Dance Program began.

- Alma mater:

I attended Muhlenberg College in Allentown PA for undergrad and New York University for my Masters. I am currently taking classes at NJCU in Special Education.

- Fun Facts:

- I once tap danced with the famous Gregory Hines
- I have my own stand up paddleboard
- I used to be a coffee barista


How has this faculty member impacted your time here at CHS? (Click the arrows to scroll)

Mission Statement

Founded in 2017, the purpose of the "CHS Spotlight" is to honor and preserve the legacy of our CHS teacher, faculty, and staff family who have left a significant impact on CHS.

Nomination Form:

MUST be filled out and submitted through our secure Google Form in order for any current CHS teacher, faculty, or staff member to be considered to be in the spotlight. Nominations are reconsidered every month if the teacher, faculty, or staff member that was nominated is not yet in the spotlight. A teacher, faculty, or staff member will not be reconsidered to be in the spotlight again until two years have passed since they were in.

Past CHS Spotlights