She’s an amazing teacher
Liv Schindler
Class of 2021

Overall, a great teacher who is so helpful and so passionate about what she teaches. She is so easy to talk with and relates very well with all her students. The most friendliest teacher who can always make you laugh. AP Human Geography has been one of my favorite classes at the High School.
Matthew Normann
Class of 2018

She is awesome and funny
Nick Zingaro
Class of 2021

Mrs. Charles really pushed me to excel at all my classes but specifically my favorite. My favorite being history and the fact that Mrs. Charles teaches history was just perfect. She always knew how to keep me interested in what I was learning. Also I feel that she helped me mature a lot.
Sam Mendez
Class of 2018

She’s funny and has a cute dog
Hannah Marsh
Class of 2021

Ms. Charles has been there for me personally since she was my US I teacher sophomore year. She is such a wonderful person and a good spirit to be around.
CHS Student
Class of 2020