She has is always in a great mood and helps to motivate me to continue throughout my day.
CHS Student
Class of 2020

She never fails to make her classroom a comfortable place to learn and she always finds a way to make us smile!
CHS Student
Class of 2019

Satires are amazing
Allison Licks
Class of 2020

She is so open to helping everyone. You can tell just through the little simple things she does that she loves and cares about each and every student even if she doesn't have them. She always makes her classroom feel like a safe place and she has always made me and other students feel comfortable talking to her. She's one of the teachers I'm not nervous to go and see her for additional help because she is always super understanding and waiting for you with a huge smile on her face.
Erin Manning
Class of 2021

She improves my learning and knowledges in all aspects of ELA. She’s the best teacher because she makes it her point to get every single person in the classroom involved in the lesson by making it fun to learn.
Dylan Hudack
Class of 2021

She is the most fun I’ve ever had with a teacher
Alex Whitmore
Class of 2020

She has gotten me out of my comfort zone and has helped me see school differently
Mike Hurban
Class of 2020

She is an amazing teacher that has helped me develop my personal interests and skills with the English language.
Lauren Brown
Class of 2020

Her enthusiasm in the classroom makes her the best teacher ever!
Laura MacMillan
Class of 2020

Mrs. Balseiro is a teacher, who I feel is one of the most approachable and encouraging. She can tell if you're having not so great of a day, and will try her best to cheer you up and make you feel better. I feel very comfortable speaking to her about almost anything. I also love her enthusiastic personality because it makes her class very enjoyable, and I look forward to attending my Speech Arts class. I find Mrs. Balseiro to be very helpful with learning to fix my mistakes because she will correct me and work with me to get better.
Lilabelle Decastro
Class of 2024

Mrs. Balseiro deserves to be in the spotlight because she cares for her students like they’re her own kids. Everyone feels so loved and cared for in A205, no matter which of her classes they have. She also put so much effort into class every day. I believe she’s teaching 6 different classes this year, mine even has two classes during the same period! Overall she’s the best teacher I’ve ever had, a role model, and someone to turn to if I ever need something.
Carina Amaral
Class of 2022