Ms. Conter is one of my favorite english teachers. She is VERY helpful when it comes to giving feedback on essays and she always has a cheery and positive attitude!
Kayla Lugo
Class of 2021

I feel that Ms. Conter deserves to be "in the spotlight" because she is always positive in class and very helpful when it comes to getting extensions in this time.
Ryan DeLong
Class of 2021

Ms. Conter deserves to be in the spotlight because she is patient and works really well with her students. She doesn't try and push the students if they don't understand something. She doesn't make them feel any less then the other students. She always try and make the class fun, and always include the students, etc.
Class of 2021

This teacher deserves this nomination because she makes teaching fun and she makes sure that all of her students are getting the topic. She doesn't leave anyone behind when teaching. Overall she deserves this nomination and it would make her very happy.
Allen Potts
Class of 2021

Ms. Conter works tirelessly planning engaging lessons for her students. She makes an effort to get to know each of her students and helps them to grow as readers and writers. I enjoy brainstorming ideas and collaborating on projects with her!
Ms. Stoto

Ms. Conter is an extremely dedicated teacher - she consistently watches the sun rise and set from her desk in room L314!
Mr. Ciarrocca

Amazing teacher who allowed us to explore our creativity and added variation and thought to her lessons so that her class was always a fun and memorable experience. She's just such a warm and energetic person who's very easy to connect and bond with!
Sophia Pan
Class of 2022

I have Ms. Conter for English 4 Writing. In this class, we do not write structured essay's that are painful to write. Instead, she has us write about what we are passionate about and tries to make us grow as a writer by ourselves instead of following a rubric. Ms. Conter also helps me write college essay's by providing me with advice that I can use to give me a better chance to get into the college I want.
James Ganley
Class of 2022

Ms.Conter is the best English teacher ever. She makes writing and reading more fun to do and makes me love English.
Class of 2023

Ms. Conter deserves to be in the spotlight because of her dedication to her students and great teaching abilities. She makes sure everyone knows they can come to her and always has meeting times open to talk.
Hailey Romanski
Class of 2023

Ms. Conter is always very happy and uplifting. She’s never cranky or rude with her students. She's very easy to talk to and I love her lessons.
Anna Waller
Class of 2023

Ms. Conter deserves to be "in the spotlight" because she has made it a mission for herself to make all kids virtual or not feel welcome in her class. She adjusts to any setting for any kid without making anybody feel left out. There's periods of class time (usually toward the end) when teachers and students put down their books and just joke around and have a good time. At home, as I just watch this and giggle occasionally, Ms Conter goes out her way to include the at home students by asking them fun questions like What you did this weekend.
Jonah Horne
Class of 2023

During this hard pandemic, Ms. Conter has managed to make me a much better writer. She is always so positive and makes learning fun.
Teagan Waters
Class of 2023

i feel like myself and other students were able to connect with ms conter very easily. and the biggest thing was that we didnt always have to talk about school work. there were times where we would talk about vacations or really anything just to take our minds off of english work.
Christian Wilde
Class of 2021

This teacher has helped me improve my writing and develop my skills tremendously.
Kristina Lowe
Class of 2024

Ms. Conter frequently encourages students like myself to write about what they are passionate about. Rather than assigning us a 5 page essay on “Romeo and Juliet,†she allows us to the choose a topic that interests us.
James Ganley
Class of 2022

Ms. Conter helped me grow as a writer and a person overall, knowing that it's okay to speak up about important topics, and that even when things are uncomfortable to write/talk about, it's something we all must do. I originally thought I would have an extremely hard time in her writing class, but I ended up loving it by the end, and I feel that it is mostly due to the way she teaches her classes in a collaborative way, while still allowing for individual growth.
Megan Fahy
Class of 2022

She is an amazing teacher who understands the hardships students face, allows us to be creative in our work by picking out personal topics, gives us reasonable time frames to do our work, and always is willing to meet if you need some extra help with ANYTHING, in your educational or personal life.
Gabriella Urso
Class of 2022

Her class helped me grow as both a writer and a person. Mrs. Conter's insight helped me add a much needed voice to all of my writing. She was by far the best English teacher I have ever had.
Justin Lotito
Class of 2022