CHS Spotlight

March Spotlight:
Mrs. Barkin

Mrs. Barkin

“Creativity takes courage.”
—Henri Matisse

"(You have to be brave to be an artist. You put your work out there and are vulnerable. It is very personal but also very rewarding)."


- Department and Classes:

Arts Department:
Crafts and Drawing

- Years at CHS:


- Alma mater:

I went to Brooklyn College for my undergraduate degree. I went to the Fashion Institute of Technology for 1.5 years and received another undergraduate degree in advertising design. I went to the College of St. Elizabeth to earn my teaching certification and to Kean University to receive my Master's degree. I am a lifelong learner. I always take classes/workshops to acquire new skills and techniques. I'd be hard pressed to tell you how many!

- Fun Facts:

- My maiden name, now my middle name, Roffé, means doctor in Hebrew. I am a Sephardie Jew which means that my family lived in the Middle East since the Spanish Inquisition.
- My father was Moroccan but was born in Argentina. My mother was Syrian but was born in Haiti. I was born in Brooklyn, which is not quite as exotic!
- I love all types of art and have worked with many media. I am currently making jewelry and painting using encaustic paints. This is a process of painting with wax which is melted by using a heat gun. I have made paper, done calligraphy, printmaking, weaving, ceramics, enamelling, blown and sand-blasted glass to name a few. I love it all!
- I can tap dance and I studied voice for eight years. I was in many plays when I was in high school and college. I was in two plays with Jimmy Smits , a fellow alum of Brooklyn College.
- I spend my summers floating in a pool and sometimes I even swim!
- I am married to my husband Allen who is an attorney. We have two daughters Pauline, who is an architecht and Ellie, who is a middle school STEAM teacher.
- Prior to being a teacher, I was an art director for an advertising agency in New York. I was very fortunate to be a stay at home mom who loved raising her children.


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Mission Statement

Founded in 2017, the purpose of the "CHS Spotlight" is to honor and preserve the legacy of our CHS teacher, faculty, and staff family who have left a significant impact on CHS.

Nomination Form:

MUST be filled out and submitted through our secure Google Form in order for any current CHS teacher, faculty, or staff member to be considered to be in the spotlight. Nominations are reconsidered every month if the teacher, faculty, or staff member that was nominated is not yet in the spotlight. A teacher, faculty, or staff member will not be reconsidered to be in the spotlight again until two years have passed since they were in.

Past CHS Spotlights