He is a cool teacher who is very good at what he does. He's funny and detailed and makes sure we're on point with our work.
Desiree Santos
Class of 2020

I remember enjoying AP Psych a lot when I took the class my Sophomore year. My favorite part was listening to those Iowa hog calling competitions. Jokes aside, Mr. Carroll and his class really sparked my interest in psychological research and literature. After taking the AP exam for Psychology, we watched hog calling competitions on YouTube. I enjoyed that class.
Alex Gebert
Class of 2020

I have never had him and never talked to him but my friend told me to vote for him. From what they had to say about him I think that he is pretty cool.
CHS Student
Class of 2020

Mr. Carroll's quick wit and unique teaching style and humor make him one of the most entertaining teachers in the school.
Liam Usinowicz
Class of 2020