Mr. Marconi has helped me through so many life and school problems it's not even funny.
Melanie Gabel
Class of 2019

A great teacher with a personality that can make anyone smile on anybody.
Diego Colon
Class of 2021

His class is my only elective/break in the morning schedule. Every time I walk in, I wake up so easily because it's always so interactive and entertaining.
Daniel Nigro
Class of 2022

Mr. Marconi is an incredible teacher and has taught me so much about acting. He has not only taught my classmates and I about acting, but has also taught us life lessons as well. He tells us be grateful for the time we have here at school and to make the best of time we have in life. His class is the best 57 minutes of my day.
Viviana Beckford
Class of 2022

He inspired me to work harder and to do what I love.
Andrew Ashinoff
Class of 2022

He has helped me with my confidence and he is extremely nice, fun, and charismatic.
Nick Zingaro
Class of 2021

Mr. Marconi has been an amazing role model to me, almost like a father figure honestly. Acting isn’t a very popular choice to many but it has been since day one for me and Mr. Marconi knows that and has helped me throughout this whole experience. Mr. Marconi is one of the best and I can’t imagine learning from anyone else. Whenever I have a problem, my class and/or Mr. Marconi are right there to support me or help me. It’s like a family. The amount of support, love and care throughout this class is insane but I love them for it. Without this class and especially without this teacher my high school experience wouldn’t be the same. I’m very grateful for having a teacher that believes in me more than I do myself sometimes. Their isn’t enough words to describe it but for now thank you for everything!
CHS Student
Class of 2022