She always helps me find books and will help me whenever in the library. She also helps me find what genre I like to read.
Serena Barra
Class of 2022

Not even the CDC’s recent suggestion of double masking has been able to obscure or diminish Ms. Petronella’s ever-present smile and boundless energy. Whether it be roaming the stacks of the library or manning the phones in the nurse’s office, she has proven herself an invaluable member of our staff. And we, and our students, are all the better for her presence.
Mr. Maiore

Throughout my inconsistent visits to the library over the past three years, Mrs. Pertonella has always radiated positivity. I though to nominate her after she brightened my morning when checking me in for the SAT. Her friendliness was simply contagious and helped to calm me down. If you don't know her, you definitely should take a trip to the library sometime soon!
Ethan Sachs
Class of 2022

Mrs. Petronella does so much for the staff and students of CHS and often it goes unnoticed. She is the most kind, caring, and one of the hardest working people I have ever met. She makes sure every student has what they need to be successful everyday. She is such a help both in the library and the nurses' office. Without her, I don't know how we'd get through each day. She desrves to be the spotlight!!
Christine Szeluga

Ms. Petronella makes every day working a CHS better. She always has a smile on her face and is there to help no matter the issue. She personally connects with students and they often come to her to chat or for help. Ms. Petronella knows the ins and outs of this school and keeps more than just the library running!
Emma Hooks

She has supported me through tough times, weather its with personal issues or at school issues.
Mia Luna
Class of 2025